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This is Keith Anderson, he is Jake Andersons father, he went missing while jake was at sea, and has not been found to this day. Jake is a wonderful young man who supports his whole family 6 people working on by far the toughest ship, crew.. and Jake is a sweetie..below is Jake

If u live in the area, see main page for details, please help this family.

As of Aug 14 2010, the family had a memorial for Keith, he was sick with cancer. The Anderson family suffered a tragedy last season when Jake's little sister passed away, it was so heart wrenching to see this young man, be told in the middle of the Bering sea. Sig the captain of the boat, turned the boat around to meet with another boat, they put Jake into a dingy no oars, and put him into the sea, the other boat came and picked him up and he got home to his family.. He came back and told no one that his dad was missing, we all found out on tv, including the captains.

I will add more later

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Hi Wanda,yes its sad,but i think there have enough.look at the guys,there when older and have family.Discovery thinks always on money.always its so in Europe.Money rules and there forgot the guys there risk here lives over 7 years,i believe 7 years right?Yes its there job,but i think there have a right to break off.Ja, they all Crabbers and i think they will crab again without DC.Madre de dios about my english honey!
Lg Jo
Good job sweetie, my gosh so much gossip happening on dc and i don;t really want to be in volved in all of that stuff. Bottom line is they can stay or go, i am sure discovery will keep making money off of others. its sad but its life. !!
My favortie group of crabbers, may the heavenly father watch over you and guide you to the crab farts, and the fishing be bountiful and great. Jake my heart is with you young man, and we will all pray for you and the boys. Sig think of the crew and put them first this season, and let "Captain Phil "guide you to a bountiful season. God Bless you and keep you all safe with love wanda and red

Hey Jake fans, they found Keiths body 1 mile away from his truck, which is very odd as that area was searched extensively by cadaver dogs. It was to expected, but saddened me greatly. As many people know on the my page is a tribute to Keith Anderson, like above. Keith was very I'll with cancer and I think that he chose not to want his family to watch him die, he had lost his youngest child 1 year earlier, from cystic fibroses, it was documented on the 2 or 3 rd season of dc. As my mother committed suicide in 2001, I understand this families suffering. Now there is some much needed closure, all monies raised will be used for a scholarships to support young adults. He was a teacher and councilor for teenagers, who helped 1000's of young adults. Find there way. His son Jake Anderson is flourishing , he Is married now, this past year. He also got his mates license and is working on his captains license. This young man despite 2tragic losses, is fighting threw to become an extraordinary young man.
So this season EDGAR is back and is miserable as ever, his body is breaking down, and he needs to focus on moving up to the wheel house, how ever SIGS in the way, but he has started to allow Edgar to run the boat, but if he does go to school he can eventually run A boat, but Sigs in good health, so Edgar needs to step up, and get going, Jake is already working with sig and farther a head. Jake Harris is on the boat, due to sigs promise to Phil , however Sig seems very skeptical of Jake, he doesn't seem motivated to move farther. He misses the Cornelia Marie, < ( who is in port getting a new paint job, and worked on) They r trying to get her out next season!

Scary video of the NW almost cap sizing , worth a look while u can! WW

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