My dog steel is an awsome dog. I got him from a rescue and he is perfect. But he has so many health issues. He has fleas and so do the cats, but we give them flea medicine and flea bomed the house and they still live. But the biggest problem is that the fleas bite my dog to the point where he's chewing his tail. Why? We had no idea what our dog was doing, so I took the dog to the vet. The vet said steel is suffering from fleas only, that if a flea bit him on the nose, steel will chew his tail because he can't scratch his face or nose. So he gave us medicine or ointment and some pills that steel had to take twice a day. And we gave it to him every time. 3 months past, cold weather comes. Steel is a good indoor dog. But sometimes he's to dirty or hasen't been exersiced. So spends the night outside. It just so happens when i woke up at 10am it was pouring outside, and poor steel was hiding in his dog house. I came out to get him and noticed his tail looked like it was broken. He could move an inch of his tail, but then it droop down. I examined his tail, he whimpered slightly and his tail felt cold. I dried him off and put him inside as i researched this. I learned that this is called "broken wag", "cold tail" or "wet tail". It occurs when a dog has been exposed to cold conditions, or has been overworked. Usauly happens to working breeds. Steel is part lab/german shepherd/pit bull terrier. And it was 55 degres outside. The dog can't wag its tail really, because the tail muscles freeze or become numb and its not moveable. Thinking i had to take steel to the vet, i read that broken wag does go away by itself, but to keep the dogs body dry. 2 days past and steel tail was back. But soon after this happens, steel had fleas again, and started to chew his tail again. He went to the vet for the 6 time since the year i have had him. This time steel had an ear infection along with the flea problem. And steel had to take 7 different medicines, a mix of ear medicine, skin medicine, pills, and ear cleaner. Its been a month of this and steel has gained 20 pounds since we have had him. I don't deny his overweight problem like most people, so i'm keeping treats to a minium, giving him 2 cups of vet recommended, dry dog food a day. And to take steel on long walks, which is 1 hour and 30 minutes. Steel is doing better, i'm not sure if he feels better but he acts like it.
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