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My dog’s hearing isn’t that sharp as it used to be. When coming back from work he doesn’t notice me until I open the door at my house. He doesn’t recognize me which tells me his eyesight isn’t that good either & barks at me & stops when he sniffs my shoes. He gets tired often & believe me, he is a an Italian greyhound & he loves running but he doesn’t run that much any longer :( I hate to admit that one day my dog will go off the land of the unconscious & I don’t believe all dogs go to heaven & I’ll see him up there. Thanks Disney but the real world tells you a different story. Things aren’t that sparkling or glittering in real life. I think the only thing I can do is enjoy him as much as I can before he goes on his last journey & hits a dead end. I heard older dogs should have an annual checkup & vets listen to your dog’s heart and lungs, examine skin, eyes, fur, internal organs etc & take their temperature. I’m going to start doing that but the sad thing is that none of that will prevent my dog dying it’ll perhaps further the day in which that’ll happen. Well, I guest I’ll have to drink my bitter tears and try eating honey till the detestable day arrives. Does anybody feel this way?

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Comment by Angelica on September 20, 2010 at 4:28pm
Ha ha u r sooo funny. How cute:) with the cross necklace ha ha. Well, if heaven is full of animals it will certainly be enjoyable, don't have much complaints about them. They are like angels on earth, always there for you. Thank u:) U made me laugh
Comment by Wanda P on September 20, 2010 at 2:58pm
Angelica, that would be a giant world of puppy love, wouldn;t it. I hope that heaven is full of animals, and i am not allergic to them, lol, i must face this difficult life with humor or i would be terrible to live with lol.. saying a prayer that you both feel better.. and know we have you in our hearts.. if need me just write ok. big hug wanda

Comment by Angelica on September 20, 2010 at 1:15pm
Thanks Diane for those encouraging words. You write them sooo beautifully. I never thought about that. You are right. I wish I could think like a dog soooo innocently. Glad to hear they don't suffer as much as we do but I think they suffer too because sometimes I look at my doggie's face & he looks sad, poor little thing. He is my baby:) Thank you Wanda sorry your dog can't see well, yes keep on loving Zena. She needs u:) Good you have given her a good life. I wish all pet owners do the same for their pets.Sad some people are cruel. Yes Wanda sometimes we need sense of humor. It helps me a lot when I feel sad. Thank u. I'll let my dog know that u all wish him well. I'm sure he will say a big THANK U! He says hi to Zena maybe if there is another life for dogs he will be friends with Zena & won't feel lonely:)
Comment by Wanda P on September 16, 2010 at 9:39pm

as lelo is licking me to death, while i type. i too dread the day, but i will hold her in my arms, and my babies mommy will do the best 4 them..and we will be here 4 u 2 on that day.. ok Diane i couldn;t agree with you more!! xxoo

Comment by Diane on September 16, 2010 at 8:15pm
It seems unfair that a dog's life is so short compared to ours. Maybe that is because they know how to live every day to the fullest and live in the moment. The fact that you dog is old is a success story. He didn't die in an accident or of a disease. You took care of him and helped him have a good life. He doesn't fear death and is happy for each day. To a dog now is all there is. They don't worry about the future or fret about the past. We would all be happier if we could think like a dog. Unfortunately, we are not all so blessed. We know everything dies and worry about the future and think about the past. The day he leaves will not be easy and only time will lessen the pain. It is natural for you to dread that day. Those who love their pets know each one is a unique individual and cannot be replaced. I have been through this more than once. I still miss every one but cherish the memories and did not let the grief stop me from adopting homeless dogs and loving them just as much.
Comment by Wanda P on September 12, 2010 at 10:48pm
Beautiful name, yours that is.. Sweetie, i call all my friends that as well ok.
So the picture of my icon is Zena who just turned 11, she has had diabetes and i have had to give her shots for 4 years now, 2 times a day. I know she is blind, u can see the cataracts in her eyes, and she seems to see better in dusk, I don;t move her steps or steps to the couch, so she still is jumping.
But i know the day will be coming as she is slowing down, but as long as she cuddles and shows some desire to be happy, then i will keep her with me and love her more, take her for walks more and guide her, do the things she can.. and when that day comes i will get some ice cream and steak, feed it to her if she is able and then in mamas arms she will go to the rainbow bridge, no suffering, just peace.. I believe that we will be together again one day, and i know i did the very best for her, gave her a good life and a painless ending. Can we say the same for us, our families, mine is watching me slowly die, no outs for me.. that my friend is a gift.. remember the good times, and one day where she has no energy and doesn;t respond to u, that is the day to make the decision.. oh Zena spends time on the floor now, due to lack of sight.. "Its like hey mom why go mountain climbing when i can;t see anyway?? my sister lets me know when i come home..
I have to get her away from the wall as she spins in circles fast and i am afraid she will knock her self out.. i am here should you need my sense of humor and love for animals love wanda lelo and zena zena is the black dog!!

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