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Ah-ha, big findings today on how to clean your home when you have pets. And let me say this first. I am very careful about what I use to clean my home, especially the floors. But obviously, I am not even careful enough.

Any cleaning solution you use to clean your homes, whether it be Lysol, Pinesol, Chlorox based products, Mr. Clean, Spic and Span, whatever your choice of cleaner, these are the steps you need to take. And this is particularly the case for small breed pets. They tend to be more susceptible to chemicals. My experience has been that the West Highland Terrier is one of the most susceptible dogs when it comes to allergies. This includes indoor and outdoor type allergies. And believe me, based on experience, your pet can go into anaphylactic shock with many allergies. Especially any type of insect sting. This blog however, will focus on home cleaning products.

1. First of all, any ammonia based products should be your last choice. Try to stay away from these. And I am sure that some of the cleaners named above do contain ammonia.
2. Whatever cleaning solution you decide to use, clean with the solution first.
3. After you get everything cleaned to your satisfaction, take the time to go back over all surfaces with hot water mixed with Ivory Snow, not Ivory Liquid. You cannot mix Ivory Liquid with most chemical based cleansers. However, Ivory Snow is supposed to be fine to mix with anything. Go over everything well with your Ivory Snow. Your first round of cleaning will kill the germs and organisms. The Ivory Snow will kill the chemical smell and help cut down on allergies for your pets.

Best Floor Cleaner: Pure Ivory Dish Washing Detergent (again, not to be mixed with other cleansers.)

Summary: Keep Ivory Snow for all final cleaning, after your first round of cleaning your home. And clean your floors with either Ivory Snow or Ivory Soap. (hard floors)

Carpets: It's up to you. But, all carpet cleaners, including carpet powder is not good for your pets. And, you could end up with a situation like I just experienced with my Westie, Jasmine. Three thousand dollars later, and most importantly, Jazzi almost dying, all could have most likely been prevented.

It is highly likely that Jasmine got very sick due to cleansers and/or Febreze Spray (Air Effects aerosol canned spray). After she got nauseous, as dogs do, she went for the grass. Unfortunately, she ate so much grass (without my knowledge), that it caused an obstruction and made her stomach contractions cease. This in turn, called for a stomach surgery. There is a chance that the obstruction of grass (massive amounts) would have worked it's way out, but a chance that it would have been fatal. The stomach surgery accomplished one key action for sure. Jazzi's stomach was in so much shock and distress, that it had completely stopped contracting. When they performed the surgery, the stomach was massaged, which caused it to start contracting again. Without contractions, your stomach has basically shut down. And that is fatal.

I hope that at least one thing good comes of my little Jasmine's nightmare. Maybe, we can help prevent this from happening to another pet kid. Keep in mind, I am extremely cautious with cleansers. But, I must be even more cautious with Jazzi.

Watch for too much eating of Grass:
Actually, I am totally over protective. Which is what makes all of this so alarming. Even I, allowed my little dog to ingest that much grass. If like me, you have a doggie door, and you allow your small breed dog freedom to play in a fenced yard and come in and out, you must not let them stay outdoors for very long periods, at a time. Check on them, which I do often. But, I usually feel like she has been checked on, if she comes in and lets me see her. Or, if I hear her bark. I am serious when I say this. It is rare for 15-20 minutes to go by, that I don't know where she is and if she is okay. But, this has been my mistake. I call her to come in, so I can look her over: making sure all orifices are in tact, and all limbs are still attached. NOT, I need to go outside and see what she is up to, more often. So, especially with a Westie (they tend to get obsessive), I suggest that you check often. And above all, make sure that they are not mowing your grass themselves! Dogs will eat grass. Sometimes it's due to stomach problems, and sometimes they actually need grass in their diets (or so I am told). But, on those rare occasions where they are really sick to their tummies, they may decide to eat way too much grass. And for a small breed dog, this can be extremely dangerous.

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Comment by JACQUE on April 26, 2008 at 7:44am
Great Blog Bragger!!! I know I will repeatedly refer back to this. I hope others will read this and learn also! I know I will be referring pet parents to your blog! Thank you so much for posting this!

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