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By Grant

Chapter 1: The Intro of Melody and Katya

This is Melody and Katya. They are Roborovski hamsters. Melody will let you hold her on your hand. Katya will bite if you hold her and she will run away from your hand. Every day in the morning before I go to school, I feed them. They get a bowl of fortified hamster food, two pieces of kale, and a fresh bottle of water. They are nocturnal so they get active at around 10:00 PM. I try to play with them every day. They live in a Crittertrail Z. It is a cage that is a good size for the money.

Chapter 2: The Characters

Pets: Melody


Major Scott (fish)

Fluffy (cat)

Humans: Me=Grant




Chapter 3: The Chance

After the family went on a one-night stay at a hotel for fun, the little hammies went on an adventure. One day, Melody was dozing with her head on Katya’s body. They woke up and they crawled into the bubble plug. IT FELL OFF! When my mom had taken it out to play with them, she must’ve not put it back on securely! Anyway, so Melody and Katya were terrified and when they got the nerve to open their eyes, they were calm. They decided to take one foot out but then they ran back in quickly.

[HAMSTER RULE #1: Always take one foot at a time while backing up throughout]

Chapter 4: The Kitchen Counter

They came to the decision to crawl out and they thought it was safe. They were on the kitchen counter! “What happened?” Asked Katya, “And is that what the humans ate last night?” “I think it’s called macaroni.” Melody replied. “I think Grant’s mom left it out last night.” We then knew that the sisters were thinking the same thing when the shouted at the same time; “Lets go and find us something to eat!” And thus, they started to search the counter for food. Nothing but some little teeny crumbs was there. “Don’t crawl onto those!!!! Those get VERY VERY hot! There are FLAMES shooting out of it sometimes!” shouted Katya. Then, things took a turn for the worst. They were on a pile of newspapers and ads when the papers suddenly slid. “WHAT THE?” they both cried. It was over as soon as it came. They were on the kitchen floor!

Chapter 5: The Kitchen Floor

“W-W-Where are we?” Katya questioned shakily. “We are on the kitchen floor.” Melody said. “And we should look for some shelter and food. Let’s go into the family room.” “Yeah,” Katya said eagerly, “I’ll bet there’s some leftover popcorn kernels in there. I’ve always wanted to try¾” “NO.” Melody said firmly, “They will make you sick. They are not meant for hamsters like us.” Katya felt defeated so she went along with Melody all the way to the family room.

Chapter 6: The Family Room

As they stepped onto the carpet, they had an instant fear: the cat. Yes, the cat, they both knew that Fluffy was running about loose. “*GULP*” they were scared and almost squealed their position away. The cat was stalking! Her voice boomed out; “I AM GIVING YOU A CHANCE TO LEAVE. YOU KNOW THAT I DON’T LIKE YOU. I WILL EAT YOU TEN MINUTES AFTER THE HUMANS GET HOME IF YOU DO NOT GO AWAY.” “Do you mean that you want us to go out of the house?” Katya was afraid of what was to become of them. Just then Melody spotted a huge gaping hole in Fluffy’s plan. She whispered it to Katya. Katya was usually a bit slow to pick up on things, but she understood it right away. “Melody! Melody, lets just attack the cat and then she can’t hurt us!” Melody was unsure, but she agreed anyway. “But first, let’s explore the family room.” Melody was using that as a distraction from attacking Fluffy. They explored the carpet but it was a disappointment as they failed to be able to climb up the sofa and the loveseat. It was time for the plan to be put into action.

Chapter 7: The Plan

The hamsters found a clear plastic bowl on the floor. “How could we not have noticed that? Let’s use it for a shield!” Katya suggested. “Okay…” Melody was unsure again. Katya, who was the taller one, stood on Melody’s shoulders and successfully upturned the bowl onto both of them. “Come on scaredy cat! Come and get us!!!” They both shouted. “ALLRIGHT THEN, I WILL!” Taunted Fluffy.

Chapter 8: The Attack

As the silhouette of Fluffy came into view, Katya was the one unsure now. “She’s big.” Katya gulped. “It’s okay Katya, don’t show her fear.” Melody whispered those words of encouragement to Katya. “Okay Katya, run forward on three. One… two… THREE!!!” The upturned plastic bowl on the floor scraped and hurt the little hamster ears. “AHHH! GOD! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL MY EARDRUMS?” The cat was furious now. “YOU TWO HAVE MADE A VERY BIG MISTAKE!” Fluffy was just about to strike. “DIE!!!!!” She struck. For the hamsters, Fluffy was moving in slow motion. When, her teeth hit the bowl, it moved back-and yes, made the noise again. Fluffy retaliated. Her teeth hurt. Bad. She yelled at Melody and Katya. “YOU CREEPS!” Fluffy whispered to herself, “They were pretty smart, hmmm… what should I do with them? I can’t hurt them under that thingamabober. Maybe I’ll let them go.” Fluffy had decided. “YOU CAN GO. NOW GIT!”

Chapter 9: The Living Room/Dining Room

As they went along exploring the house, they stumbled along the living room. “It’s like a forest over here!” Shouted Katya referring to the many pieces of wood around the dining table. “Do not chew it Katya. It will make you sick, there’s stain in it.” They ran along the wall until they came to the plant. “Let’s taste it.” They both said. And so they did. It tasted like kale. “Yum, that’s good!” And so they kept on chewing until the vine got too short to reach. “Okay, so Grant’s dad’s office door is closed, and so is the bathroom door… let’s try to go up the stairs!” Katya was very eager to be upstairs. Melody was, yet again, unsure.

Chapter 10: The Stairs

As they got to the bottom of the stairs, they looked up and said, “I wish our eyesight was better. I guess it’s tall though… but I’m sure that our long claws will help.” “Katya, you’re talking sense!” After a short hesitation, they attempted to climb. They were able to! After about twenty minutes, they made it to the top of the landing. Another five minutes passed, and then, they were at the top of the stairs! They ran across the hall to my room.

Chapter 11: Grant’s Room

As they stepped into my room, they were befuddled at how much stuff was at one corner and how little was in others. They were running about my room when, my laptop started up on it’s daily time check. “W-W-What’s that humming?” Katya asked. “It’s just Grant’s laptop doing something. It’s nothing to worry about.” Melody replied smartly. There was almost nothing to do in my room. It’s pretty bare except for the bed, desk, dresser, and bookcases. “It’s boring in here!” Katya exclaimed. Melody was bored too. “Let’s go into Grant’s brother’s room! I think there are tons of toys in there!” “Yeah…” Melody was thinking about food. “I’m hungry!” She said. But there was no food upstairs.

Chapter 12: David’s Room

They ran across the hall again and then they were in my brother’s room. It was toys galore! Lego’s, cars, etc. (But mostly Lego’s.) “Ugh! I can’t climb onto the X-Wing! Okay, I did it! Why isn’t it flying?” “Katya, it’s a plastic toy! It doesn’t fly! The cars don’t drive either! They are just toys!” “Really? That’s dumb!” Katya was disgusted. “His closet door is closed like Grant’s!” Katya was even more disgusted. “Darn!” They both shouted. They decided to try the guest room for some fun.

Chapter 13: The Guest Room

As they went into the guest room, they immediately spotted (even with their bad eyesight) bright colors. It was the Matchbox City! “Hey, let’s play like we’re giant hamsters attacking the city!” Melody decided that it was time to have fun. “Okay!” And so, they were playing playfully while they pretended that they were squashing cars and people. Soon, they got tired and wanted a rest. They ran over to the open Hotwheels case and snuggled into the slot. When they woke up, they were surprised to find that there was light coming through the window. “We have to get moving before Fluffy eats us!” Katya was scared. “Okay…” Melody was still half asleep.

Chapter 14: The Stairs (Again)

They ran out of the guest room, they noticed that they forgot to go into my parent’s room. “Oh well…” They sighed. “Let’s go!” Melody shouted. They noticed that their claws would not grip onto the stairs facing downwards. “We’ll just have to jump down each step.” Melody said intelligently. So, they jumped down each step (and they did it quite well). Once they were at the lobby again, it was almost time for us to come home.

Chapter 15: The Cozy Nest Ending

Just as we came in the door, we heard Melody and Katya buzzing as loud as they could. We were so surprised to find them on the floor, my mom screamed “OHMYGOD! GRANT! GET THEM UP!” And so, I picked them up, plopped them in their cage, and fixed the bubble plug. They were very, very happy to be back in their cage. As soon as they got in their cage, they ran right up into the nesting box. They were so happy to get back in their cage, they said thanks to me in their hamster tongue. I don’t think that they will ever try to escape again. “I’ll never try to escape again!” Said Melody as she was nibbling on a piece of kale. “Me neither.” Said Katya. “I will never try to attack a bowl again.” Said Fluffy. “My teeth still hurt!”


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Comment by Leah Hixon on November 25, 2007 at 9:23pm
awesome writing. that happened to me once. the only difference is she was loose for three days. we found her while doing our daily chores eating a sunflower seed( her favorite snack) that we left out as bait. it was quite hysterical to her my mom scream when we found her.
Comment by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise on November 7, 2007 at 4:03am
I wanted to put this in our featured blogs! You have it set for friends only. If you change your mind and will allow all members to view, let me know.
Comment by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise on November 4, 2007 at 12:49am
Very nice Grant! Enjoyed your writing!
Comment by Grant on October 13, 2007 at 2:53pm
Thanks, I'm writing another one that is a spoof on STAR WARS. It is called HAMSTER WARS. It is about where we get beat up by {HAMS FROM ANOTHER PLANET}. We invade their planet "Hamstern". That is Geman for "hoarder". That is where the word hamster came from.
Comment by nickicat on October 12, 2007 at 7:39pm
GREAT WRITING, GRANT!!! 2 Thumbs up! I enjoyed it immensely.

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