I absolutely love camping and do it every chance I get. I love hiking trails or walking with my dogs. Shelby, Shyann, and Pete know the ropes to the camping world. Kylee is still new at it and this was Jet Li's first time. Yes, camping with all five dogs. I was ready for the trails, only we realized with five dogs it took work and getting everyone settled in. We got a baby fence For Kylee and Jet Li, but Kylee jumped over it. Jet Li can't be let off lead at any time accept in the trailer. Dogs bolting in and out of the door, leashes getting misplaced, and teaching Kylee to stay in her pen.
We get all settled in but it seemed difficult to relax that first night. It was our first time in this trailer/pop-up so setting it up and getting used to everything made for the less than ideal camping experience.
Very few people were there because it is late Thursday and early Friday and kids are in school so I know Shyann, Shelby & Pete are safe off lead and stay close and mind. Kylee is learning and Jet Li hasn't a clue but I assume he will stay with the pack...WRONG! Stupid me..This could have been disasterous.
I put all the leashes around my neck hanging loosely and each dog has a harness (the three little ones) and each dog has a collar with a tag.
The campground guy came around and I thought "oh qwap" and ducked into the brush where the trail begins. See he would scold me for having my dogs off lead, an rightfully so, but My dogs are awesome off lead...Except Jet Li.
Jet Li took off on the trail and Kylee after him. OMG, Pete, Shyann and Shelby stayed with Mom, and I was calling and calling Jet Li and Kylee's names. I'm thinking Kylee always comes back...we've been working on that. No sign of either and this is the Florida trail and main road is up ahead and I didn't want them to get across and cross back over if the come to my voice so we headed back to camp. I told my husband and we all went back and I showed him where they took off. He went on with Shyann(who always gets us back to camp without getting lost) and he told me to go back to camp in case they showed up. My heart was racing and I was trying to keep my mind from thinking all of the ugly things that 'could' happen and it's my fault, etc. I was praying and trying to keep from going into panic mode. I wasn't back at camp 3 minutes when a green truck pulled up and asked me if I was missing two dogs, a pug and a terrier..I was elated-OMG These two men who work the camp grounds found my babies and returned them safely. I showed my gratitude and one man replied something to the effect "if it was my dogs I would hope someone would bring them back home."
My husband, George returned with Shyann and as we calmed down and sat around and talked about the event, it amazes me how everything fell exactly into place. The dogs took the trail and did make it on to the main road. But these guys just happened along at that exact moment. Within 3 minutes of my return to camp so I was there to grab them up and lavish love and pug kisses all over. My husband told me to go back to camp-what if I didn't return, and went on with him? Then he notices Shyann pulling him to go back to camp. Why did she do that. He noted in his mind that maybe she knows something I don't and returned to find all of our babies were safe and sound instead of moving through the trail for hours. Next we talked about How it was that the two dogs went freely with these guys. In many cases that isn't a good thing, but this time I was so glad they went with these guys.
The number on their tags is our home number, but these guys brought them to our camp site. We were so LUCKY!
From there on out Kylee and Jet Li which are our two newest babies, and Kylee only having one previous camping trip under her collar, remained on leashes or in the baby pen.
Until Jet and Kylee learn the ropes like our older dogs they will have to be on lead.
I take them to a park we have here early in the mornings and go through those trails and I run the opposite way and get them to run back towards me and they learn to stay close. Kylee hasd had some practice with this but until I get them where they are withing a few feet they will have to be in a pen or on lead. They hate being chained to that little thing in the ground, a tie-out.
Needless to say I didn't get the pictures I wanted but it was still worth it, 5 dogs and a new trailer. We each were learning.
In all that chaos, I will do it again and fortunately with all 5 safely by my side.

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