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julie kupniewski
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julie kupniewski's Page

Profile Information

Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
Watertown, TN
Pet Name(s):
Schooner, Gunner,Perry, Sam, Sissy,Roy and Chino
Parents: (Pet's Owners)
julie kupniewski
Breed(s) / Type(s): Nice VIRTUAL PETS Welcome Too! (any embedded code)
shepherd/collie mix
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
6boys 1girl
Pet Birthday(s):
August 16, 2004 Perry
Other Pet Birthdays: (include their names)
July 4,1998 Schooner & Gunner
If "In Loving Memory of your Pet Angel": (and you want to share the dates) Please give their name.
Max 1989-2004 Long Haired Dauchsund
About Me/Them: (Please ask your Pet Kid(s) what they want you to say about them.)
Perry-3y/o male -Wants to be the Alpha male of this pack. He just turned 3 on 8/16/07. Schooner and Gunner 8 y/o males, brothers wish Pesky-Perry and his dog,Sam moved on to another pack to be alpha. Sam-Perry's dog....he showed up as a stray and chose us as his family,Perry was only 1 y/o-driving the old dogs crazy, so we let Sam stay as Perry's playmate.
Was the arrival of your Pet Kid(s) planned or is there a story?
When my partner,Fred and I got together I promised him I would only have 1 Dog 1 Cat and 1 Horse....Shortly after we moved out to the country, I noticed 2 ferell dogs living in a deserted barn in the field across the road. As I looked closer, I found slaughtered pups inside the barn.I immediatly went to the Sherriff, horrified by what I had found. The response I got was: "Ma'am you are better off if you'd shoot those dogs!" Shocked and horrified,I returned home...keeping a close watch on these dogs to insure their safety. I named them "Niagra & Viagra" and continued to care for them from a distance...I couldn't get close to them they were very ferrell, and ran as soon as I would approach.Niagra and Viagra had puppies twice/yr.
I would bring the pups up to my farm at age 4-6 wks and begin socializing and training them-getting them ready to go to new homes,complete with puppy training literature and a video from Purina Puppy chow, and a guarentee-I would always take the Puppy back if things didn't work out.( I only had 2 returned). Little did I know finding these farm dogs would be the start of a "Doggie-Rescue". Schooner and Gunner were the 1st 2 pups I found alive at the barn, Perry is #69, and Sam is #81-although Sam wandered up to our Farm and chose us as his Family. I tried to place him and had no luck - at the time Perry was 1 year old and making the older dogs crazy,he needed a playmate, so Sam stayed.
Niagra passed away May 30,2000 and is burried on our Hillside overlooking the Field where she and Viagra lived. Viagra just dissappeared,died of old age I assume. Even after they passed on, other stray dogs would show up at the farm, knowing almost, there was safety,food and shelter. I have placed 91 animals in homes, since our arrival in Watertown,TN. I only picked up 2 off the street to bring home---the rest have come on their own. Out of 91: 2 were cats 89 dogs. Fred had no idea what we were getting into when we moved to the Country! Due to the fact that our furry family has grown so much, I no longer do dog-rescue/adoption, the Inn is Full. However, I still try to help animals by *starting the Disaster Animal Response Team in Wilson Co.,in conjunction with our Emergency Management Agency and *I am becoming a citezen Lobbiest, my goal is to change legislation to make STIFFER animal cruelty penalties, and lobby for animal welfare! These dogs have taught me so much and I like them almost better than people,( take out the almost) that I feel I need to contribute to animal welfare in our community, and nationwide as well.
Dogs: like Ice Cream--"I scream, you scream we all scream for Ice Cream"-they all come running and sit at the freezer waiting for their Ice Cream cups to be opened
Horses: Roy, Quarter Horse, Loves an icy cold Budweiser and Granola bars. Chino ,Paso Fino,just likes his feed.
Cat: likes to think she is the Queen, at 18 y/o what else would she think
Perry getting too much attention causes Sam to pull Perry by his leash away from the center of it all.
Nicknames / And by Whom:
Cat: Tiger is her given name, Sissy is her nick-name,because she was Max's sister. We got them at about the same time,Max had terrible separation anxiety,Sissy was his companion/sister.
Horse: Cappachino is the Paso Fino's first name -Chino for short.
My Favorite Toys:
Tennis Balls
Henrietta & Earl- Rubber chickens
My Favorite Treats:
Jerky Treats and Ice Cream

Horse: KOB's (Budweiser,King of Beers)
Favorite Type of Walk:
all over the farm
Favorite Ride:
dogs love to go to the dump with Fred or to the Drive in
My Best Pet Tricks:
sit, shake, roll over
Favorite Music:
Black Dog / Led Zeplin
Favorite TV Shows:
Wizard of Oz
Meercat Manor

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Comment Wall (4 comments)

You need to be a member of PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise: Pet Community for All Pets to add comments!

At 1:14pm on October 23, 2010, Wanda P said…

Hello just popping in to say hello, to all my new petbrag friends. I am wandap from Calgary Alberta Canada. I hope you have a spooktacular Halloween!

At 9:42am on April 6, 2008, Leftytoo said…
Hi Julie - thanks for the invite - I will have to look around and figure it all out.

Talk soon,

At 7:30pm on January 9, 2008, JACQUE said…
At 2:20pm on August 25, 2007, PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise said…
Hi Julie! We want to welcome you to! We just opened public access a few days ago and are so excited to meet new members. We can't wait to see photographs of all your Pet kids. Sounds like you have a house full! We'll see you soon.

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