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  • Shelby Township
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Michelle's Page

Profile Information

Where did you hear about
Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
Shelby Township, Michigan
Pet Name(s):
Moochie-cat (grey tabby)-11years old
Linguini-Hamster (tan and white)-1year old
Parents: (Pet's Owners)
Michelle and Rick
Breed(s) / Type(s): Nice VIRTUAL PETS Welcome Too! (any embedded code)
Tabby, and hamster
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
Both are girls
Pet Birthday(s):
04/13, 02/12
About Me/Them: (Please ask your Pet Kid(s) what they want you to say about them.)
I currently work at an animals shelter and love, love, love being with the animals. All sorts of animals that is.

Moochie-very spoiled 11year old cat. Is a bit chubby, but that doesn't stop her from being confident in the way she acts. Loves her best friends skippy (corgie) and Beanie (chiuauah) who are grandmas dogs. Her favorite thing to do is lay on her mommy's blanket, when mommy goes to work. She waits untill mommy gets home then wants treats. Mommy usually obliges.

Linguini-Is a very energetic hamster. Loves to climb her water bottle almost every nite. One day she believes it will help her on her way to freedom. She likes seeds and her favorite thing to eat is rice puffs. She loves to come outside of her enclosure and walk around in her wheel. Also, she likes to sit in ricks hands and give little kisseees.
Was the arrival of your Pet Kid(s) planned or is there a story?
Moochie-I aquired through my aunt when her cat had a litter of three kittens. I got to choose which one out of the three kittens I wanted, I chose her.

Linguini-I rescued from the animal shelter where I worked. Since they don't accept small animals where I work they were going to put her to sleep. I begged my boss for a few days and she finally let me take her home. I saved her little life.
Personality Characteristics:
Energetic, Lazy, Loving, Spoiled, Seriously Spoiled, Funny, Just Self-Confident, Loyal
Meow-mix, FancyFeast, Whiskas (soft) treats.
Babys breath flowers drive me crazy.
Licking grocery bags when moms not looking.
Grey mouse toy.
Horse blanket
Dislikes-strangers, the outside, fly's, spiders, loud music, firecrackers.
Nicknames / And by Whom:
Moochie-moocheetos, mooch mooch, fatty forest (Michelles brother)
Linguini-guin guin
My Favorite Toys:
Grey toy mouse, grocery bags.
My Favorite Treats:
Whiskas lickins, meow mix
Favorite Type of Walk:
To the bedroom to rest comfortably on her favorite blanket
Favorite Ride:
My Best Pet Tricks:
When you whistle she whill plop down, fall to one slide, and scoot along the carpet.
If you whistle and say "pretty Moochie, pretty girl, show me your spots " she will show you her belly with her grey tabby spots. lol.
Favorite Music:
soft quiet music
Favorite TV Shows:
Deadliest catch- she loves all the waves and movements.

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At 8:56pm on May 11, 2008, JACQUE said…
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At 7:52pm on May 11, 2008, JACQUE said…

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