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Katie's Page

Profile Information

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If you heard about us from a Pet Affiliated Business (Pet Store, Vet, Adoption Agency, Rescue Shelter, etc...), please provide their name and location. They will receive ad credits for referring you to PetBrags!
Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
Metairie, Louisiana
Want to Share Another Web Site? - Please, do not include a link to a Direct Competition site, like another Pet Community. Also, no adult content or profanity contained in external URLs permitted. And please, no links to sites where Pets/Animals are Sold, or Animal Activist sites - - your account WILL be deleted.
Pet Name(s):
1.Fatty Bear
3.Sugar Pie
4.PR Midnight Bubba a.k.a. Bubba
Parents: (Pet's Owners)
Breed(s) / Type(s): Nice VIRTUAL PETS Welcome Too! (any embedded code)
1.Syrian Hamster
2.British Shorthair cat
3.Bichon Frise dog
4.Overo Paint horse
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
If "In Loving Memory of your Pet Angel": (and you want to share the dates) Please give their name.
"In Loving Memory of..."
RIP Buffie
RIP Montie
RIP Sparkles
RIP Suprana
RIP Hollywood
RIP Nemo
About Me/Them: (Please ask your Pet Kid(s) what they want you to say about them.)
My hamster is the newest addition to my pet family. Her name is Fatty Bear and she's a Syrian. She's grey with a white band around her middle. She is very energetic and runs around her cage and on her wheel a lot!
Toulouse, my cat is the oldest of the pets I have now. He is 10 years old. He is a pretty brown and black British Shorthair, and he is very fat! We bought him at a cat show, but he has never been in one. But, he is still very pretty. Now that he is old he has arthritis :(
Sugar Pie is a cute Bichon Frise and he is 3 years old. He is named after Anna Nicole Smith's dog Sugar Pie. He is also very fat. LOL, all my animals are fat :)
PR Midnight Bubba, Bubba for short, is my beautiful Overo Paint horse. He is 9 years old and I have won a lot of first place ribbons on him in English riding shows. He is my big baby!

*In Memory Of...*
~Buffie~Cocker Spaniel dog
~Sparkles~Welsh Pony (my first pet ever)
~Suprana~Thouroughbred horse
~Hollywood~Quarter Horse
Was the arrival of your Pet Kid(s) planned or is there a story?
Actually, one of my pets, who id now in heaven, Suprana has a story. Along with Hollywood, also in heaven.
I had Hollywood first and we had bought her, well, pretty much rescued her, from this grimy equestrian center. we had her for like 2 or 3 weeks and everytime I'd ride her she was so slow and one day she just laid down. So we called the vet and she ended up having 2 holes in her stifle joint, so she was completely lame. The guy that sold us to her wanted to take her back, but she was old and we knew he would put her to sleep, so we put her out to pasture and we treated her like just a big dog :) And she eventually died of old age :( But, the guy that sold her to us gave me another horse who we found out later that he had drugged her to keep her calm. She went crazy one day and got loose with her bridle on and got caught on a post and we tried to get her but she was kicking and biting and really trying to hurt us, so we called the vet and he came and had to put her to sleep. :(
Personality Characteristics:
Sweet, Gentle, Energetic, Playful, Loving, Social Butterfly, All Bark and No Bite, Spoiled, Seriously Spoiled, Knows they're Funny, Loyal, Regal
My hamster likes sunflower seeds...
my cat looooves cat nip....
my dog likes sitting on people's laps...
my horse looooves beer LOL
my hamster hates when you wake her up during the day...
my cat hates when u try to get him out from under the bed...
my dog hates taking walks while it's rainy...
my horse hates jumping...

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 1:31pm on October 23, 2010, Wanda P said…

Hello just popping in to say hello, to all my new petbrag friends. I am wandap from Calgary Alberta Canada. I hope you have a spooktacular Halloween!

At 11:16am on September 4, 2007, PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise said…
Hi Hannah!
Welcome to! We are so happy that you have joined us at PetBrags! You and your pet kids are what PetBrags is all about - - ALL PETS deserve a web page. I got so excited when I saw your list of pets:
Syrian Hamster
British Shorthair cat
Bichon Frise dog
Overo Paint horse
Wow! And what wonderful names they all have! I read your entire bio. You are definitely a pet lover! Just what we like around here.

Here's some great news for you. As one of our first 100 members, you will be one of our special charter members. Which means you will never have a need for an upgrade and will have access to unlimited file uploads. Our free membership is limited to 1 photo, 1 video, 1 music track, but unlimited blogging, forums, and texting. But you will have no limitations! Congratulations, and we can't wait to hear more about your pet kids. And we're really looking forward to seeing photos of them. Tell your family and friends to hurry and sign up. It looks like the 100 will hit soon and they can still join as special charter members before we hit 100.
Woof, woof!

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