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Funny Girl
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Funny Girl's Page

Profile Information

Where did you hear about
Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
Frisco Texas
Pet Name(s):
Parents: (Pet's Owners)
Breed(s) / Type(s): Nice VIRTUAL PETS Welcome Too! (any embedded code)
Tess Dachshund Mix
Libby Jack Russell Mix
Leona Black Bear Hamster
Princess Guppy
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
Tess Girl
Libby Girl
Leona Girl
Princess Girl
Pet Birthday(s):
Tess-April 21, Libby September 15, Leo December 28, Princess ?
About Me/Them: (Please ask your Pet Kid(s) what they want you to say about them.)
Tess was rescued from the pound. We loved her immediately, even though they told us that she weighed 4 pounds. When we went to pick her up, she weighed 14 pounds. We took her home anyway and it was the best thing we ever did. Libby was found on the street and owners were found and said they didn't want her. We gladly took her in and loved her immediatley. Tess and Libby play allllll day! Leo was a Christmas gift and was chosen by 9 year old me. There were lots of hamsters in the cage at the store, but Leo dazzled me and begged me to take her home. Princess was found in a poluted pond. She was happy to get some fresh water. And meet Disco, my other guppy (may she rest in peace).
Personality Characteristics:
Sweet, Gentle, Energetic, Playful, Loving, Social Butterfly, Spoiled, Funny, Never Complains, Loyal
Tess LOVES bellyrubs! and also likes to play a game called teatherball!(she's not bad for a dog!) Libby likes to wrestle with Tess! She also loves to play with anything!!! Best of all she swims/plays in pool! Leo likes to drive her car and have adventures!(but the only problem is that she really needs driving lessons!) Princess likes to swim around in the water, and hide in her castle.
Well, what bugs me is whenI give her a bone, she never eats it! insted she takes it out the doggy door! Now Libby, she jumps in the pool and gets water insted of just drinking it from her water dish that is right next to the pool! Then she jumps out and tracks water and mud through the house. Libby also drags my underwear and clothing through the house!! Leo and Princess don't have any pet peeves.
Nicknames / And by Whom:
Libbies nickname is Libby Lu. Tess answers to "T". Leona's nickname is Leo! how cute is that! Princess does not have one.
My Favorite Toys:
Libby loves any object on this earth. Tess likes squeakies! Leona likes treats, sticks and lots of things! Princess likes her gient shell.
My Favorite Treats:
Tess likes her doggy treats. Libby likes bones, and doggy treats. Leona likes yogert drops, and seeds/fruit. Princess just likes her fish food!
Favorite Type of Walk:
Tess & Libby both like walks around the neighborhood! Leo likes to walk in her car and she likes to run around in the frount yard! Princess likes to swim around
Favorite Ride:
Leo drives her hamster car! Tess loves going on car rides and rolling the window down by pushing the button with her paw.
My Best Pet Tricks:
when ever i say "puppy treat" Tess and Libby run over to me and know that they are about to get one. Tess knows when she goes on a walk when I get my rollarblades on. Leo & Prencess are good at being cuite!
Favorite Music:
happy muisc!
Favorite TV Shows:
Planets Funniest Pets and The Young & the Restless

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