Ingredients for 4 person
500 gs of mussel , 250 gs of pork, thin 2 pieces of sausage (small smoked sausage ) 2 toes garlic, 1 chicken a 1000 gs
2 onions 1 pepper , red 3 tomatoes , some salt, something pepper,some olive oil,4 artichoke hearts,200 gs of rice (long grain rice),250 ml broth,125 ml white wine.
1/2 Tl saffron,150 gs peas,4 scampis,1 lemon.
Mussels wash, brush and the beard bundles remove. Open mussels throw away.
Sausages in discs, the pork in pieces, chicken in serving pieces cut.
The garlic toes and onions depart and throw dice. Paprika clean, wash, core and in stripe cut. Tomatoes , skin, quarter and core. 4 tablespoons of oil in a pot heat up, the chicken meat easily with salt spice and approx. 10 minutes sear. The pork add, about 5 minutes coroast, with some salt spice. Garlic and onion cubes, paprika stripes, tomato quarters and dripped off artichoke hearts add and costew approx. 5 minutes.
Mussels and sausage discs add and costew about 2 minutes.
The oven on 180°C preheat. Oil in a Paellaform or a big suitable frying pan strongly heat up.
Rice, broth and white wine admit and unterstir saffron. Meat, vegetables and mussels, peas and scampi admit and bring to the cooking.
The Paellaform in the oven put, the court approx. 15 cook - 20 minutes.
If the liquid is taken up by the rice, with salt and pepper spice, garnish with slices of lemon and immediately serve.
Buen provecho