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These beautiful dogs have received such a bad rep and it is such a shame. I have raised and rescued these dogs for aproximately 10 years and i have never owned a more loyal and gentle pet. I have brought rescues home in the trunk of my car because they were so mean and within 3 months time had them sleeping with my cats and pug. I have had policemen stop by my home to visit my dogs and ask how I got them to be so gentle. My answer, "I loved them." These are not mean dogs. It's the owners who think it's a fun sport to fight them and make them mean. I love Pit Bulls and no one will ever convince me they are a "mean" breed.

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Unfortunatly The result of breeding especially agressive dogs can be done. The results are devestating because you will get a dog that can´t be altered. I have seen pittbull puppies eight to ten weeks bred to be severly agressive they wanted these two pups to play only it wasen´t play fight but viscious outright agression had they not pulled them apart one of them would have ended up dead. They got into a fight from the get go these tiny pups. What a very sad sight that is to see such young pups ready to tear each other apart. I have always wondered what happend to them.Hate to think of the havoc they would reap as adults.I think you can breed the agression out of dogs but it takes generations and yet generations. Still you can have agressive individuals comming out of dogs bred to be nicer but with the geneology for agression this why it is so vital to know what you are dealing with when it comes to dogs.The above mentioned were bred especially for the Danish market apparently they have wanted viscious pittbulls and these puppies were bred in Poland from agressive stock. So yes I would say that it can be done and is being done to this day. I keep asking myself why. As I see it it is a violation of all ethics and morals why would anyone breed dogs to be agressive and all for a few dollars.Poor dogs and poor unsuspecting owners.
it is sad Lisbeth  it makes you so angry to think people do this to animals  its a sad and cruel world  sometimes were animals are involved  maybe people who want to own thes dogs should be vetted first   maybe some kind of law brought forward to monitor situation

Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen said:
Unfortunatly The result of breeding especially agressive dogs can be done. The results are devestating because you will get a dog that can´t be altered. I have seen pittbull puppies eight to ten weeks bred to be severly agressive they wanted these two pups to play only it wasen´t play fight but viscious outright agression had they not pulled them apart one of them would have ended up dead. They got into a fight from the get go these tiny pups. What a very sad sight that is to see such young pups ready to tear each other apart. I have always wondered what happend to them.Hate to think of the havoc they would reap as adults.I think you can breed the agression out of dogs but it takes generations and yet generations. Still you can have agressive individuals comming out of dogs bred to be nicer but with the geneology for agression this why it is so vital to know what you are dealing with when it comes to dogs.The above mentioned were bred especially for the Danish market apparently they have wanted viscious pittbulls and these puppies were bred in Poland from agressive stock. So yes I would say that it can be done and is being done to this day. I keep asking myself why. As I see it it is a violation of all ethics and morals why would anyone breed dogs to be agressive and all for a few dollars.Poor dogs and poor unsuspecting owners.
I agree Sharon it is sad.There are now strict rules and legislation because of sevral nasty bite incidents involving pittbulls and amstaffs. You can keep the dogs you have but with stipulations. They must wear a muzzel at all times even at the dogparks they must be kept on leash at all times if you get a puppy born after March the tenth 2010 it is illegal and will be euthanised. I hate these laws because they hurt a lot of responsibel owners as well as the bad owners who by the way don´t care wether the laws are in place or not they will keep turning their dogs loose and they keep breeding these dogs too.Simply put three litters of illegal pups were confiscated and pts. However the mothers of these puppies were returned to the owner unspayed if they had wanted to prevent these puppies from being born they shouls have spayed the bitches.This breeder said he would breed from them again then we are back to square one so in other words this "breeder" is an utterly heartless thug without an ounce of compassion. Poor puppies they never asked to be born as unwanted and illegal. As I see it everything concerning these poor unfortunate dogs have gone completely haywire and it should be rectified.  

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