Okay now I think I know why I wrote venting about changing vets and feeling so crappy about it---Yes, I am a little slow, sometimes a lot slow :)
My Kylee and Shelby had to go today. Kylee has some sort of bite or growth on her eyelid, which now we are treating with some eye ointment topically and waiting to see if it helps or if it gets worse or shrinks or??? It is right in the corner of her eye. My Shelby has an allergy, a skin allergy where she gets allergy shots twice a year, or so. She just had one last month and it didn't work this time. Kylee was at the vet twice last month for intestinal infection that made its way through the pack. They all are updated on shots, take heart worm meds and flea prevention but it has been overwhelming. Two of them-actually 3 need their teeth cleaned, and it seems like when I think we can do it an emergency or more pressing issue crops up.
I am a pet Mom who wants the very best health care and cannot afford anymore than basics. GEEZE! Wyhen I was a kid our pets went to the vet once a year, no heart worm or flea preventive, they lived 18 years and life was great. Now, I am angry and feeling overwhelmed by it all. I had to switch to a cheaper, "not as safe" heartworm preventive and the craziness surrounding the online vet pharmacy and marketing, dosages, verses the ones our vets offer is enough to make me spinning crazy-mad.
I suppose pet insurance is worth looking into for 5 dogs-Sigh!
Nevermind me if you read this, I am just a frustrated doggie Mom right now.
Isabel and Toad need their birdie shots, wings and nails done---
Perhaps my heart and love for these critters is way bigger than my pocketbook. I have stopped the amount of critters because I won't have them unless I can fairly provide.
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